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  • September DOES It — Books and Bags

    Let's gather Books and Bags! Our UPC DOES It (Done On Every Sunday) project for September is two-fold:

    1.    Gently used books: For three years we have been able to maintain a free library at Turning Points in Bradenton through your generous donations of gently used books, but our supply is getting thin. We are collecting books of all kinds – fiction, non-fiction, spiritual, how-to's, etc. for adults and children. Please clean out your closets and book shelves and help us share the love of literacy with our local community. 

    2.    Zip-lock bags: We are also collecting sandwich sized zip-lock bags to use in our Peanut Butter & Jelly Sandwich Ministry for the clients of Our Daily Bread. In two years, we have made over 10,000 sandwiches and have NEVER had to purchase peanut butter, jelly, or bags. Donate much needed bags and help us in our goal of making 100 PBJ sandwiches each week.

    Drop all donated items in the bins in the Narthex or bring them to the church office by Sunday, September 29th.

  • September Outreach Offering — Bible Mission USA

    Our Outreach Offering for September will go to Bible Mission USA. Founded by Dr. Paul Eckel, this ministry is dedicated to spreading God’s Word by providing free Bibles and religious materials to all who are in need. We include these free Bibles at the library we maintain at Turning Points, and Bible Mission USA provides these books to UPC at no charge. You may donate to Bible Mission USA:

    • during the worship service using the envelopes provided in the pews
    • by mailing a check to the church office with “Bible Mission USA” in the memo line, or
    • through online giving.
  • Give to Feeding Empty Little Tummies
    F.E.L.T. provides weekend backpacks of food to over 800 homeless students in Manatee County each week, a time when these children often go hungry.

    Contributions of loose change, soft money, and checks for FELT (Feeding Empty Little Tummies) are always welcome. FELT provides weekend backpacks of food for over 800 children in Manatee County who might otherwise go hungry over the weekend.  To donate, use the envelopes in the pews or mail a check to the church office with FELT in the memo line. 

  • 'Holy Strollers' Resumes September 27

    Holy Strollers resumes on September 27. Strollers meet at 9am on Friday mornings in the parking lot at the north end of Robinson Preserve (at west end of 17th Ave NW) for a stroll with a short devotional and fun conversation. See you there!

















  • We Are Excited to Have Become United Presbyterian Church

    The 3-year partnership between Palma Sola and Westminster Presbyterian Churches culminated on Sunday, December 17, as we officially became one church, United Presbyterian Church! Palma Sola and Westminster Presbyterian Churches began their partnership in June 2020, sharing facilities at Palma Sola and joining together in worship, service, fellowship and Christian education. Our histories have intertwined, and we are excited about the future--as we experience God's grace, learn what God asks of us, share our lives, and work towards the common good in our community.

  • STREAM Interest Group Being Formed

    The Outreach Team has been exploring United Presbyterian Church becoming involved with the organization STREAM, and is now forming a group of interested church members and church visitors. Please contact Andrea Harmon if you would like to support STREAM and their initiatives in the future.

    STREAM, which stands for Stronger Together Reaching Equality Across Manatee, is a relatively new nonpartisan, grassroots organization of faith communities aiming to solve critical community problems in Manatee County. They are made up of 16 member congregations from all over Manatee County having diverse religious, socioeconomic, racial, and ethnic backgrounds.

    Most of us want to “do something” to solve community problems, but we lack an effective vehicle to do so. STREAM addresses this by working to change policies and systems. STREAM is partnered with the Direct Action and Research Training Center, DART, which is highly effective at teaching people how to bring about social change. They emphasize 1) focusing on the critical problems that affect many -- and thus are popular, unifying, and winnable, 2) focusing on data-driven, pragmatic solutions that address root causes, and 3) how to effectively interview and persuade.

    STREAM’s process is characterized by 4 big events separated by smaller meetings, which enable participants to contribute on many different levels, from joining the big rallies to becoming involved in planning, research, and or interviewing.

    In the last couple of years, STREAM has tackled affordable housing and criminal justice reform, which resulted in Manatee County officials pledging to build over 200 more affordable housing units each year and implementing an arrest diversion program for minor offenses like not paying your car registration. This year their focus is the mental health of children and youth in Manatee County.

    In January, to learn more about STREAM, Outreach Team members participated in STREAM’s Research Kickoff Event on this topic. We joined focus groups, sharing the mental health experiences of family and friends and suggesting possible helpful interventions, to help focus the upcoming research phase of the program.

    In April, we attended the Nehemiah Action event. This year’s action was to ask the School Board of Manatee County to create a plan to address the high rates of depression and self-harm among the county’s students, including increasing the number of Mental Health Support staff in our schools. Although district leaders did not agree to this action, they did agree to additional meetings with STREAM leaders to address this issue.

  • Creative Arts Academy Concert 'Together As One' - May 24

    Lane Ruise, Founder and Director of the Creative Arts Academy, a United Presbyterian campus partner, tells us that students and mentors have been preparing diligently to give us their best performance ever. Students will bring dancing, singing, rapping, and instrument playing to their native folk songs. In addition, they will share information about folk songs from Native Americans, India, Colombia, Singapore, Cameroon, Mexico, Haiti, Honduras, Samoa and the Philippines.

    Come enjoy a concert, and celebrate the accomplishments of these talented and dedicated young people!

  • Pack Hope Seeds - April 17, 10am

    Join with other volunteers to assemble seed packets at our Hope Seeds event, Wednesday, April 17th from 10am-noon in Fellowship Hall. Friends and family are welcome. 

    Hope Seeds is a Christian, charitable organization that seeks to improve the nutrition of the poorest in the world by providing quality garden seed and agricultural education through Christian missionaries and organizations worldwide. All supplies are provided, and work is done seated at tables. Suitable for ages 8+. Come for an hour or stay the whole time. 


  • Celebration of Life Planning - Saturday, April 6, 10am

    This program led, by Pastor Edward, will help you plan the details of your memorial service or Celebration of Life and have a written record to keep on file for when the time comes. The program is free, open to the community, and refreshments will be served. Please sign up in the Narthex or call the church office (941-792-3141) if you would like to attend to ensure we have materials for everyone.

  • Easter Sunrise Service March 31, 7:00 am - Palma Sola Botanical Park

    Join Pastor Edward in Palma Sola Botanical Park for our annual Easter Sunrise Service. The service begins at 7:00; sunrise is at 7:21 am. 

    Palma Sola Botanical Park is located at the west end of 17th Ave NW next to the north entrance of Robinson Preserve. The service is held on the lawn behind the Galleria, the building with the front porch visible from the parking area. The lawn may be reached by walking through the Galleria or using a path around the right side of the building. 
    Palma Sola Botanical Park
    9800 17th Ave NW
    Bradenton, FL 34209
  • Mayberry Bible Study February 25-28

    Mayberry Bible Study begins this Sunday for 4 consecutive days. We watch an episode of the Andy Griffith Show, and then spend time discussing its meaning as connected by scripture. Each day has a different theme: service, peace, mercy and commitment. Included is a ‘dee-licious’ treat like the kind Aunt Bee would make.

    Sunday, Feb 25, 11am:         Service - ‘Andy’s English Valet’ - Ephesians 6:7

    Monday, Feb 26, 6pm:          Peace - ‘Class Reunion’ - Psalm 85:8

    Tuesday, Feb 27, 6pm:         Mercy - ‘Dogs, Dogs, Dogs’ - Matthew 5:7

    Wednesday, Feb 28, 6pm:    Commitment - ‘The Darlings Are Coming’ - Proverbs 16:3

  • RISE Against Hunger Meal Packing -- February 17, 10:30am

    Saturday, February 17, we are hosting a Rise Against Hunger meal packing event from 10:30am-12:30pm in the Fellowship Hall, and we want as many people as possible to participate. 

    We have once again partnered with Rise Against Hunger to sponsor and pack over 10,000 rice and soy-based meals to help fight hunger all around the world. These nourishing meals go to locations such as schools, care homes, and areas that have experienced environmental disaster or devastating human-conflict.

    Everyone is invited. The event is free, and there are a variety of jobs--sitting, standing, and walking--with something suitable for everyone from age 5 and up. The packing is done in an educational assembly-line process, guided by an event leader from Rise Against Hunger. It’s a great event for friends, family, and our campus partners.

    To reserve your space, please call the church office (941-792-3141), or sign up before or after the Sunday Service at the Outreach table.

    What's in a Rise Against Hunger meal, and where are they served? The meals provide caloric intake and 20 essential vitamins and minerals. They are served in medical clinics, vocational training programs, elder care facilities and schools. Research has shown that one in three people in developing countries is adversely affected by vitamin and mineral deficiencies. The meals address the top micronutrient deficiency concerns (iodine, iron and vitamin A), and work to prevent other common deficiencies that lead to blindness, poor immune function, and other disorders. 

    What is Rise Against Hunger? Rise Against Hunger is an international humanitarian organization dedicated to ending hunger by providing nourishing meals, responding to emergencies, and empowering communities. Through a global network based in the U.S. and with six international offices, the organization provides immediate nourishment for those facing hunger, and implements sustainable solutions to lift entire communities. In 2022, Rise Against Hunger has facilitated volunteer meal packaging of more than 600 million meals to be distributed to countries around the world. 

    To learn more about Rise Against Hunger, visit their website and read stories from the field.


  • Stop Scammers & Swindlers Seminar - January 25, 10:00am
  • Habitat for Humanity Work Day, January 13, 7:30am

    Work on the 2023-2024 Habitat for Humanity Faith Build is well under way! We have scheduled a workday for United Presbyterian Church members and friends on Saturday, January 13th from 7:30 am to noon. The home for Theresa and her son Brandon is located in the Poling Gardens site in Samoset. We need 8-10 volunteers, and all the equipment needed is provided. No experience is necessary and there will be competent leaders to guide you in any task. Please sign up in the Narthex or by calling the office (941-792-3141) and fill out the waiver form to reserve your spot.  

  • Longest Night Service in Palma Sola Botanical Park - December 21, 6p


    United Presbyterian Church invites all those suffering from loss during this holiday season to a service of hope at Palma Sola Botanical Park. The service is held outdoors on the back deck of the Galleria, the building with the front porch visible from the parking area (see photo). The service begins at 5pm on the day of the year with the longest night, the Winter Solstice.

    Christmas is a holiday associated with excitement and joy, but it can also be a season of sadness. The loss of a loved one, unemployment, or loneliness can be overwhelming in the midst of seasonal celebrations. This service supports those who need the space and time to acknowledge sadness and loss and to know that they are not alone. 

    Palma Sola Botanical Park is located in the “Old Palma Sola” section of northwest Bradenton, an area rich in history from the Timucuan Indians to the Conquistadors to the present. The park was created in 1990 when interested citizens and community groups rallied support to preserve the 10-acre site, a former nursery, as a valuable green space and park. 

    The park showcases collections of rare palms, fruits, and flowering trees and other subtropical plants. It also has lakes, gazebos, abundant bird life, and a butterfly garden. The park is free and open from 8am to sunset and may be visited before the service.  

  • Gift Wrapping for Our Daily Bread - December 16, 10a

    You are invited to a Christmas gift wrapping party on Saturday, December 16th from 10 am – noon in Fellowship Hall to prepare socks and cards for clients of Our Daily Bread. For many years, member Amy Pedon has been giving out socks and other goodies there on Christmas Eve morning, and the Outreach Team has assisted by purchasing gift items. The party is a fun time of fellowship and fun as we wrap, write, and enjoy beverages and light snacks. Friends and family are welcome.  

  • Halloween 'Trunk or Treat' - Friday, October 27, 5:30p-7:30p

    Trick or Treaters! Join in our family 'Trunk & Treat' event on church grounds. Wear your costumes, enjoy hot dogs and chili in our Fellowship Hall, and visit the decorated trunks of cars in our parking lot to collect yummy treats. All community families, and congregation members and their guests, are invited.

  • Hope Seeds Packing, Saturday, October 7, 10a-12p

    Plant a Seed! Feed a Soul! Join in to pack Hope Seeds on Saturday, October 7, 10 am – noon in Fellowship Hall. Come for an hour or stay the full period.  Friends, family and visitors welcome!

    Hope Seeds International is a non-profit based in Bradenton with the mission of sharing the love of Christ and reducing worldwide hunger by empowering people with sustainable food production skills, seeds, and resources.

    Since 1999, Hope Seeds has distributed over 10 million packets of quality garden seed in more than 60 countries. All seed packets include Gospel messages, and missionaries and other faith-based organizations provide discipleship and teach gardening methods, seed saving, and nutrition programs.

    Giving a person good seed which is suited for their climate and culture allows them to work toward their own nutrition and welfare. When a person is empowered to grow their own food, they will not depend on someone for their daily meal. They will be stronger and more self-reliant, fostering a sense of accomplishment and community development.

  • Thank You from Misión Peniel: 550 Backpacks with School Supplies Distributed

  • Ministry Fair Sunday, September 17, 9:30a

    Join in the 2023 Ministry Fair! The theme is: United Begins with U ‘N’ I.

    Gather in the Sanctuary at 9:30 am for a brief worship service around this theme, followed by a continental breakfast in Fellowship Hall with displays and opportunities to discuss the various ways we can be united in service and fellowship in the coming year.

    Committee members will be available for questions and to hear YOUR suggestions on things YOU want to be a part of. Sign-up in the Narthex or call the church office to let us know you will be there. Here are some of the ministries and activities being presented:
    Pen Pals
    • Who are our Missionaries?
    • Who are our Mission Partners?
    • Older Adult Ministries
    • Holy Strollers
    • Choir and Handbells
    • Earth Care
    • Prayer Group
    • Ushers/Lay Readers
    • Fellowship
    • Bible Studies
    • Property & Grounds Team/Safety Team


  • Earth Day Fair - Saturday, April 22, 10a-12p

    The Palms Sola and Westminster congregations are hosting an Earth Day Fair, Saturday, April 22, 10am-12pm in the Palms Sola Fellowship Hall. The Fair will carry out the theme of this year’s international Earth Day, “Invest in the Future.” The public is invited to drop in, browse displays, watch videos, pick up information sheets, sample foods, and consider future actions they might take in caring for the Earth.

    There will be stations covering topics, including: 1) why this is the critical decade for addressing climate change; 2) Florida's energy profile now and planned for the future; 3) how to calculate your carbon footprint and the best things you can do to reduce it, including making use of the Inflation Reduction Act; 4) planting Florida native plants and landscapes, and why that is important to sustain wildlife; 5) eating for a healthy planet; and 6) books to sustain and inform you while caring for Earth.

  • 'Habitats to Save Wildlife', an Earth Care Congregation Event on October 21

    Learn about why rainforests are important, what's being done to save them, and how you can help. Also learn about easy-care native and other Florida-friendly plants for your yard that support birds, butterflies, and bees. This is a special program on Friday, October 21, 7:00-8:30 pm in the Fellowship Hall, presented by church members Amy Pedon and Betty Bashaw. Refreshments will be served and children are most welcome.